Tag: Environmentally Friendly

Posted on 01/19/2025
Bring Your Home to Life With These 5 Immortal Trends
Design trends are endless. Some stick around while others fade to the wayside — at least away from the public eye. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your favorite, personal and timeless trend throughout the years in your home. You may even want to switch it up a bit and incorporate other trends from different eras. Either...
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Posted on 06/06/2021
Should You Replace Your Lawn?
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels Whether in the front yard or back, a healthy lawn is an ideal many homeowners struggle to maintain. A perfect lawn can be a point of pride, but also a source of frustration. With the increasing focus on environmental consciousness, many homeowners are replacing their lawns with sustainable alternatives. Many of these...
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